Thursday, February 5, 2015

Grandmaster Pow aka Timtebow Bridges Faction Divide

 08-22-2012 12:39 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010

Breaking News: Grandmaster Pow aka Timtebow bridges faction divide!

I am a monk with a peaceful heart. It troubled me that on this new land we call Kubark there was a new race of people foreign to us and highly distrustful. It was my mission to bring God to these heathens and show them the path of tolerance. Before they would hear me out, I had to convince them I was worthy of an audience with Trooper Mozo, which meant killing over 9000 goblins that were encroaching on their fair city. Once this task was complete, I could commence fueling Mozo's bone chip addiction. As Mozo sunk deeper and deeper into addiction, my standing with these lizard men rose inversely.

But it's not enough to simply win standing with Cabilis' guards. I had to prove myself to it's people, who were often hard to convince that my cause was just.

I was bested by this scaled monk. But with time and many offerings to the people, I began to earn their trust.

And yet, I still had to forge on. Mozo was well satisfied with my bone chip offerings but the Crusaders of Cabilis still demanded more. I fed thousand after thousand to Mozo until he nearly overdosed, and miraculously, I was at last allowed safe passage into cabilis. 

Who knows what power this newfound alliance may deliver to us? For now, a toast! To the new frontier of cooperation, and to the new world!