Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Flowers of Happiness - Flowers Forever

 Welcome, <Flowers of Happiness>!



Fansy Lives!


https://www.notacult.com/fansythefamous.htm - Everquest's Sullon Zek server will never be the same.



Gather for the story of two streamers, an unintentional stream snipe, then unintentional death loop!

One day, Antipyretic [PAL] convinced Chewie to go to solb freeti camp

Feniggles joined on his druid fenix and when done all ported to Sro...

Antipyretic dinged 59, then got a port back to lavastorm and ran to Freeport to bank and grab 59 rez.... when they bumped into another streamer!

59 paly v 60 raid geared paly...now live on their stream...

then a death loop began....  

froze ~ 4 hours into the loop

The next day, Antipyretic was doing a KC grp when questioned by GM:

then, Antipyretic made a surname:

.. there can be only one!


RIP Dayse








 http://dbdemented.50megs.com/stories.html old FoH stories